Baptism Class


Have you ever found yourself asking, “What is baptism?” Have you ever thought about why we practice this habit of immersing people into water and raising them out of it? Why has this been a sacred ritual in the church since its very beginning two thousand years ago?

These are big and vital questions for us all to consider. In the videos below, Pastor Travis will lead us through answers to all of these and more in our Emmaus Church Baptism Class. This class is a digital resource to help you learn more about what Baptism is and why it is important. All with one central aim – to help you follow in obedience to Jesus by being baptized yourself.

If you are interested in being baptized, please start by watching the videos below in order. When you are finished, please click the “Baptism Interest Form” button at the bottom of the page. It will notify our pastors that you are interested in Baptism, and they will reach out to you to setup a time to step forward in this important act of obedience.

If you have any questions along the way, please do not hesitate to let us know!


Baptism Class Videos

Video 1 – Baptism Class Introduction


Video 2 – What is Baptism?


Video 3 – Why Should I Get Baptized?


Video 4 – How do I know that I am Ready?


Video 5 – How Does Baptism Work at Emmaus?


Ready to step forward in Baptism? Click the Baptism Interest Form button below to start the process!