Mission Guatemala 2024
Mission Guatemala 2024

Pray for our Emmaus team headed to Guatemala this week! Our team of 24 youth and adults will be spending the week serving at Fundaniños in Guatemala City and at Cristo El Redentor, an A29 church plant in the village of Lost Chilitos. The team will serve through various activities in school classrooms, through a night of encouragement with the Fundaniños house moms, in daily Kids Club activities, and through work projects. Please also pray specifically for Pastor Brad and our Ministry Associate, Jake O’Reilly, who are leading pastor trainings during the week at Cristo El Redentor.  Pray specifically for the team’s safety and wellness, for gospel opportunities, and for Jesus to be made much of!

Our Partners


In 2018, Emmaus Church began a partnership with Fundaniños.  Fundaniños opened its doors in 1998 by a group of volunteers who sought a way to create prevention programs that would help children in high-risk and vulnerable situations to stay off the streets and have the possibility of a better future.  It is their goal to provide happy, Christian and independent children, always supporting to keep groups of brothers and sisters united.

Christ Church Los Chilitos, Guatemala

In 2024, Emmaus Church began a partnership with Christ Church Los Chilitos, Guatemala, a ministry of ACTS 29 Latin America led by Mitch & Amanda Muñoz.  Since arriving in this small, undeveloped location in rural Guatemala in 2015 with no known contacts and not even a full grasp of the local language, they have had the privilege of baptizing new believers in the local river and have seen families restored. The village has begun to be transformed as many basic needs are being met through the work of the church.