Frequently Asked Questions

Here at Emmaus, we have developed Missional Community Groups with great intentionality for your spiritual health and development. Whether you are new to MC Groups or have been involved for many years, below you will find answers to both the strategy and heart behind these discipleship environments.

What are Missional Community Groups?

MCs are small groups of people within our church that gather weekly throughout the year to dig into scripture, seeking to apply the truth of God’s Word to their lives as they follow Jesus. Groups gather in homes across our community under the leadership of approved leaders. They seek to grow into deep friendships in biblical community founded upon the Word, prayer, and God’s mission.

We like to say it this way – Missional Communities exist to help you know, treasure, and follow Jesus faithfully within the strength of genuine biblical community.

What will we study?

At Emmaus, all MC Groups study scripture. Each week, we dig deeper into the same passage that was preached the previous Sunday – entering into a discussion that aims to help us apply the scriptures to our lives in order to walk faithfully in obedience to them. We want to become a people who are doers of the word, not just hearers (James 1:22-25). We want to build our lives upon the rock, not upon the sand (Matthew 7:24-27). We find this sermon-based discussion model fosters faithful obedience as we seek to all follow Jesus together!

Why are they called Missional Community Groups?

As we seek to live obedient lives that follow Jesus closely, we want to become a people that join him on the mission that he entrusted to us — making disciples! MC Groups are a place where you will be challenged to grow in your faith to the point where you begin to replicate by helping others grow in their faith as well. We seek to be disciples that follow Jesus closely, that introduce others to Jesus, and help them follow Him as well!

Where do MC Groups meet?

Most of our MC Groups gather in homes of church members across our community, but a handful meet on campus here at Emmaus Church. Wherever you meet, the goal is the same – experiencing true biblical community together!

How do I choose which MC Group to join?

We encourage you to find a group for your family based on geography – whichever group closest to you that works with your schedule. We encourage all groups to be engaged missionally in their communities, so by building community where you live, it allows you to better minister to your own area of town. It also better allows for groups to care for each other deeply in their seasons of need.

How do I sign-up for a group?

Registration for groups will open on Sunday, August 11. Please check back here or on the main Missional Community Groups webpage to signup at that time. Registration will close on Sunday, September 1 as all of groups prepare for launch on the week of September 8.

Do you have groups just for singles? Young marrieds? Parents of Teens? Etc?

We do not. We intentionally organize our MC Groups based on geography, not stage of life. We believe that healthy friendships with older and younger believers is an important part of a spiritual community, and thereby encourage healthy diversity of age and stage of life in all of our groups. If you have never been a part of a community group organized this way, we pray that you will be open to giving it a try and seeing what God might have for you!

Help! I cannot decide which group to join!

Our team is here to help! We would love to hear more about your family, and help talk you through some of the options that might fit best for you. Give us a call anytime – 678-866-3332 – or email us at

Can I visit several groups?

Yes, of course you can. If you are having trouble deciding on one group to visit, you can certainly visit a few to help you with your decision. However, if this applies to you, I would also highly recommend that you give us a call to talk through the options. Our team loves to help you find your people. We are very familiar with each group, the leaders, the members, and the locations. We can usually help you narrow down your options to help with the visiting process. Give us a call anytime – 678-866-3332 – or email us at

Can children attend?

No. MC Groups are designed for building deep community for spiritual growth among adults. To protect those conversations, we discourage bringing your children to group with you. Please try to find a babysitter to care for your kids at home — the church will reimburse $20/week toward your childcare costs (click here for more information).

I would like to lead a group. How can I do that?

All of our leaders come from within our covenant membership at Emmaus, recruited, assessed, equipped, and coached by our elders and staff. If you are interested in stepping into leadership – the very first step would be to reach out to Pastor Brian and let him know of your interest!

What if I have a question that you did not answer?

We are always here to talk you through any question that you have. Give us a call anytime – 678-866-3332 – or email us at

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Ready to begin finding a group? Click below to get started - tell us a little about yourself and our team will be in touch with some great options to connect with!

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