Invest in your walk with Jesus this summer!

This summer, we are excited to offer 5 incredible discipleship classes for you to dig into the Word, grow in your knowledge of God, and be equipped in following Jesus more faithfully. Most of the classes are 6-weeks long, with the exception FPU, happening on Sunday nights beginning June 9th on campus here at Emmaus Church. We have several classes for adults and students, and we have childcare for kids 0-5th grade - bring your whole family! Explore the options below and register today!


A Vision for Wise and Faithful Discipling in the Church

What is the first thought that comes to mind when you hear the word discipleship? Do you think of programs in the church? Do you think of the messiness of living life with other sinful saints? This class will seek to help us grasp the vision of how we’re all both needy and needed, and how the Lord Jesus is our only great hope for navigating the Christian life. We will aim to help you grow in understanding how to practically and wisely love and disciple those around us in the church.

Led by Jacob Cohen


Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson course that teaches you how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for your future. For over 25 years, Dave Ramsey has been teaching common sense, biblical money principles that work. Every time. Don’t keep making minimum payments month after month. And don’t just dream about the life you really want. Stand up against debt. Attack this stuff with a vengeance. And take control of your money. For good.

Led by Pastor Jerod & Hannah Beck


Awakening a Lost Spiritual Discipline

The wisest man who ever lived left behind this warning for us: “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life” (Prov 4:23). How many of us live with this kind of careful watch on our souls? In this class, we will seek to recover a spiritual discipline once cherished by generations past. Watchfulness is a discipline deeply rooted in scripture, helping us remain vigilant and alert in a world filled with distractions and temptations. Through study, discussion, and practical application, we will seek to help you establish and strengthen this discipline as you seek to guard and nurture your spiritual walk with God.

Led by Trey Mizell and Jim Porter


The Doctrine of Scripture 

“Did God really say…” From the Garden of Eden to today, Satan’s fundamental strategy against humanity has been to undermine trust in the authority of the Word of God. In this class, we’ll confront his subtle temptations by examining the evidence for why the Bible is trustworthy down to every jot and tittle. Scripture, history, and science will be brought to bear on our study, equipping you to understand, believe, and defend the authority of scripture. We will learn irrefutable proof that all of scripture is indeed breathed out by God and able to make you wise for salvation (2 Timothy 3:15-17). Part one of a multi-class study of Systematic Theology.

Led by Dr. Jason Whitlock


A Christian Apologetic Against Darwin, Evolution, and Naturalism

In our culture today, many people take Darwin and his theories as settled fact upon which they build a godless naturalistic worldview. In this class, we will refute this error by reviewing new developments in science that are challenging orthodox evolution. We will dive into the immense field of origin of life research, considering how our galaxy, solar system, and earth all reveal an incredible fine-tuning that demands an intelligent designer. Through it all, we will seek to make the case that indeed we live in a created world as the Bible teaches. Join us!

Led by Craig Smith


Kids Class

God has given us His powerful armor! This Summer, while you’re taking a class of your own, we’ve got a fantastic option for your children to learn and be discipled put on by our Emmaus Kids Ministry. Your kids will learn that when we put God’s armor on each day and rely on His power, we will become everyday heroes who can stand firm against anything that comes our way.

Led by Emmaus Kids Ministry

Coming this August!


Rethinking Faith & Government in Our Divisive Age

This August, we will be hosting a one-night forum entitled Politics and the Gospel to engage with the complex issue of thinking through our faith and government during divisive election cycles. Join us!

Ready to Register?


All classes will happen from 6-7:30pm on Sunday Nights beginning June 9th on campus at Emmaus Church.

Childcare available onsite for children 0-5th Grade to those who register by 5/26.


or $30/family
FPU is $89/household
Students Free

Fees include all course materials. Scholarships available to anyone in need.

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Dig Deep and Grow Strong